Monday, October 6, 2008

Spencer's First Day Of Pre School

Spencer started preschool last month. He was so excited. He has talked about this for the past six months non-stop. He made sure he looked "cool". I had to spike his hair the right way and make sure his clothes were the cool ones, not the not cool ones. And we absolutely had to have his backpack ready. He felt so big and grown-up as we walked into the school that day. He just beamed with pride and excitement. Davis was very excited for Spencer's big day too. He also made sure his hair was combed just right, and that he had on "good" clothes. He too made sure that his back pack was ready.
Spencer had no problem saying good bye to me. He gave me a gigantic hug and just said, "see ya later, mom". Then he was gone. Davis didn't take that so well. I tried to prepare him for Spencer's leaving, but I just couldn't get him to understand. He was heartbroken. My heart broke a little too.


The Bissenden's: said...

Hey Ang, I found you blog hopping. Good to see you, we are do for lunch. I'll be in touch.

Devlin Days said...

Your blog is so cute. I started mine last night at 3:00 a.m. when Boston was crying--so I am a little tired but it was worth it. my blog is :


Devlin Days said...

Ryan is way more creative than me and after about an hour last night he came up with this sweet name. Sorry to make you all change it. Our new blog name is


thecaldwells said...

Angie- It's so great to see your cute family. I linked over from Jen's site so welcome to you both.